The Spirit of the Lord is upon me

The Spirit

The Spirit – the Spirit of God – the Holy Spirit?  Ah – The Spirit of the Lord!

The Spirit of the Lord is upon me

On Isaiah? – on the one he prophesied about? – on the long awaited Messiah? – on Jesus?  The Spirit of the Lord is on Jesus!

Because he has anointed him…

He has called him, commissioned him, conferred divine honour and power

To bring

To offer – good news

News of love, news of joy, new of peace, very good news indeed!

To bring good news to the poor (questioning)

The poor in wealth?  In spirit?  Those that know their dependence on God? 

The Spirit of the Lord is upon Jesus,
    because he has anointed him
    to bring good news to the poor.

He has sent him to proclaim

To declare, to shout out, to tell the world, to tell the world of…

release to the captives

freedom to those who have been held against their will

and recovery of sight to the blind.

Those who couldn’t see, able to see again.

Those who wouldn’t see, able to see again.

To let the oppressed go free.

Those who have been held under, held down, held fast, given their freedom.

To proclaim

To declare

the year

the time

of the Lord’s favour.

To declare the time in which God has chosen us; in which the kingdom of God has broken in on our lives.

The Spirit of the Lord is upon Jesus

Because he has called and commissioned him to offer…

… news of love, joy, peace… to those who know their dependence on God.

He has sent Jesus to tell out to the world that those held against their will will be set free,

That those who couldn’t see, will see again,

That those who have been held under, held down, will be released to be themselves.

To declare that this is the special time in which God has chosen us. The Kingdom of God has broken in; the Kingdom of God is here, the Kingdom of God is now!

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