Re-living Pentecost at Home

A suggested way of re-living the Pentecost story - with props and drama if you choose - if you are at home on your own or with one or two other people.

Three by Three Prayer for Thy Kingdom Come

This is a very simple prayer cycle for use during a 9 day period - in the first instance for the period of 'Thy Kingdom Come' May 22nd - 30th but, thereafter, for use at any time.

Reliving Ascension Day at Home

This is a short meditative re-living of the events described in Luke 24 v 50 - 53 - Luke's first account of the Ascension of Jesus (the second one being at the beginning of Acts).

Prayers at Home for the 75th anniversary of VE Day

This short act of worship includes an act of rededication used in Westminster Abbey for the 70th anniversary in 2015.

A time of Reflection for when you cannot attend a funeral

A short 'at home' service for remembering a loved one and committing them to God

Psalm 23 with images

This page is intended to be used with the Reflective prayer on the 23rd Psalm but, of course, it can be used on its own for prayer, reflection or meditation.

Reflective Worship on Psalm 23

A short - 20 minutes - time of quiet reflection and prayer based around the 23rd Psalm

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